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Scale risk with confidence

Everything we do is around this simple strap line and mission statement. We aim to help the world better understand risk management so it can be used by anyone to reduce uncertainty and facilitate success.

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Why 'GOAT'?

Goats are known for being sure-footed and inquisitive animals that can scale great heights with poise. Carrying the same spirit, we help our clients put risk management into practice, engaging stakeholders and supporting them in reaching new heights in their business. Scale risk with confidence!

CEO GOAT Danny Wong
Danny Wong Founder & CEO

Danny Wong has learned his craft in risk management for over 20 years. As a risk consultant, he led a 3 year study on risk maturity where he found most organisations still kept risk registers in Excel and struggled to gain traction with risk management. The data from this study gave him the confidence to take a risk.

GOAT was founded in 2018 and the first version of GOAT Risk™ was released early 2019. Starting from our early adopters to now a large and growing family of GOAT lovers, our customers are our greatest sales channel. We are continuously improving the product and now have a simple risk solution that is just as useful for SMEs, local schools, start-ups and charities, as it is for major multi-national and listed businesses.

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Scale risk with confidence